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This book describes a systematic process to open the third eye.It has been written for those who cannot be satisfied with only an intellectual understanding of spiritual realities and who wish to gain access to direct experience. The development of spiritual vision requires the patient building of some new ‘organs’ of energy, of which the third eye is an essential member.
Guide To Advanced Yoga Techniques
During meditation you behold divine visions, experience divine smell, divine taste, divine touch, hear divine Anahata sounds. You receive instructions from God. These indicate that the Kundalini Shakti has been awakened. When there is throbbing in Muladhara, when hairs stand on their roots, when Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mulabandha come involuntarily, know that Kundalini has awakened. When the breath stops without any effort, when Kevala Kumbhaka comes by itself without any exertion, know that Kundalini Shakti has become active. When you feel currents of Prana rising up to the Sahasrara, when you experience bliss, when you repeat Om automatically, when there are no thoughts of the world in the mind, know that Kundalini Shakti has awakened.
The Srimad Bhagavad Gita, also known as the Gita, is an ancient Sanskrit text from the Indian subcontinent. It is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata and is commonly regarded by Hindus as one of their most important religious texts. This 700-verse Hindu scripture in Sanskrit is considered by many to be a concise introduction to Vedanta or spiritual knowledge and devotional practice in Hinduism.
The quality of our mind determines the quality of the life we lead. It can be our greatest ally or our worst adversary. A mind that runs amok could steal our inner peace and undermine every productive endeavour. Yet, with proper knowledge, training and discipline, it is possible to unleash the mind’s infinite potential.
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